The End of the Warp

Well, I didn’t get a full dishcloth out of the new supplemental warp. Turns out, the cardboard spacer on the base warp had slipped and made it look as though there was a lot more left to weave. But the slightly smaller dishcloth is still useable and it was interesting to try the tie-on warping method.

That just left sewing the hems, and then they were done.

I also sewed hems of a sample from when I was still working out the draft – a version that had the supplemental warp woven as part of the weft.

With all looms clear, I have a decision to make. Do I move the floor loom to the family room and keep the Jane loom set up on its stand in the textiles room? Or do I put away the Jane loom (to be my portable loom for lessons), move the floor loom into the textiles room in place of the table and put a removable table top on it?

There are pros and cons to both options. The removable table top idea might not work, but perhaps it’s worth a try.